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Amigos for Christ Nicaragua

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We work shoulder-to-shoulder with Nicaraguan neighbors to bring clean water, healthcare, education, and economic opportunity to rural communities in need.


The need in Nicaragua is great; it’s the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. In Nicaragua, kidney disease kills more people each year than in any other nation. Most children don’t finish the sixth grade. Skin disease, parasites, and respiratory disease run rampant.

Improved health and family life are impossible to achieve alone, yet hope remains.

Water Systems

We have learned that wells are not enough. We bring water to each family’s home to ensure access to clean, abundant water. Each family connection is complete with a water meter.

Modern Bathrooms

Stop the cycle of parasites and diarrhea, the leading cause of death for kids under 5 in Nicaragua.

Preventive Care

Local families model healthy behavior to neighbors. We are committed to building lasting community relationships and working alongside local Nicaraguans to teach families proper hygiene and sanitation habits.

The story of Valle los Morenos:


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